
【Focus】Shandong mayor of 17 cities talk about kinetic energy conversion!

【Focus】Shandong mayor of 17 cities talk about kinetic energy conversion!

【Focus】Shandong mayor of 17 cities talk about kinetic energy conversion!

  General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the Shandong delegation and delivered an important speech. He asked Shandong to take the lead in the process of building a well-off society in an all-round way and in the new journey of socialist modernization construction, so as to create a new situation of building a strong modern province in an innovative era in an all-round way. To firmly grasp this general requirement and firmly grasp the goal of "going ahead" and remain unshakable, it is necessary for Shandong to firmly implement the new development concept, promote the transformation of new and old kinetic energy, and strive to achieve high-quality development. In January this year, with the cordial care of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee, the State Council formally approved the overall plan for the construction of the new and old kinetic energy conversion Comprehensive Experimental Zone in Shandong Province. Shandong should carry the banner of "experimental field" and "main attacker" for the conversion of new and old kinetic energy, and take the lead in doing a good job in the northern region.

Ji'nan: striving for the transformation of new and old energy converts

  Wang Zhonglin, Mayor of Jinan City, deputy to the National People's Congress: As one of the "three nuclei", Jinan undertakes the great responsibility and glorious mission of building the core layout of "one first, three districts and two highlands" with the transformation of the old and new kinetic energy as the lead.

  First, we must persist in reform. We should make full use of the right of reform, test and advance entrusted by the state, unswervingly push forward the reform of "release and control clothing" and dare to break the institutional mechanism that restrains the transformation of old and new kinetic energy.

  Two is to adhere to the leading industry. We will promote the conversion of new and old kinetic energy around the 10 billion-level industries of large and powerful data and new generation information technology, intelligent manufacturing and high-end equipment, quantum technology, medical and health care, etc.

  Three, we must persist in innovation and strive for the first place. We will accelerate the construction of major innovation platforms such as the National Overcount Jinan Center and the Digital Creation Commune, and vigorously introduce the world's top innovation and entrepreneurship teams and high-level talents.

  Four, we must persist in opening up and take the lead. We should actively link up the construction of "one belt and one road", and build the national inland port as an important starting point for opening wider to the outside world, and strive to promote the construction of Sino German cooperation zones for small and medium enterprises.

  Five is to insist on green priority. We should vigorously develop green industries such as eco-tourism, health care, urban agriculture, and so on in accordance with local conditions, firmly promote haze control and accelerate the construction of a modern spring city of "Great Strength, Beauty and Fortune".

Qingdao: to create a growth pole for transformation and development in the eastern region of the country

  Meng Fanli, Mayor of Qingdao City, deputy of the National People's Congress, said that Qingdao is in the critical period of transforming its development mode, optimizing its economic structure and transforming its growth power. Structural and aggregate problems coexist in its industrial development. The quality and efficiency of its development need to be improved urgently. Whether it can seize the opportunity to build a modern industrial system to realize the high quality of Qingdao's economy Volume development is a major challenge for us.

  Since last year, our city has comprehensively promoted all kinds of work on the conversion of new and old kinetic energy, and has compiled and completed the overall report on the major projects of promoting the conversion of new and old kinetic energy in the whole city. As one of the three core areas of the comprehensive pilot area, we will give full play to the comprehensive functions of our city as an important coastal central city and a coastal resort city, an international port city and a famous historical and cultural city. We will take the lead in breakthroughs in the frontier of innovation, agglomeration of new elements, enterprise transformation and industrial upgrading, and actively promote quality. Quantitative change, efficiency change and power change, speeding up the construction of modern industrial system and economic system with innovation leading and coordinated development, striving to form the "four new" and "four modernizations" gathering place and the important source test area of the new and old kinetic energy conversion path model, and acting as the leader, demonstration area and driver of the new and old kinetic energy conversion in the whole province. The transformation of the eastern part of the country has made great progress.

Yantai: speed up the transformation of new and old energy to build a modern economic system.

  Zhang Yongxia, Mayor of Yantai, deputy of the National People's Congress: As one of the three core districts of the comprehensive experimental zone, Yantai is determined to strive to be in the forefront of the transformation of old and new kinetic energy and accelerate the construction of a modern economic system.

  First, aim at target location and speed up the smooth conversion of new and old kinetic energy. Based on the orientation of "building an advanced manufacturing city, building a new open and cooperative highland facing Northeast Asia", we conscientiously plan development ideas and implementation paths. In our work, "four efforts" should be highlighted: efforts should be made to create a new pattern of "one nuclear lead, three belt coordination" for the transformation of old and new kinetic energy. Efforts should be made to promote "stock raising and incremental rise" to generate new kinetic energy. Efforts should be made to promote the transformation of new and old kinetic energy with a high level of opening-up. We will try our best to guide the transformation of new and old kinetic energy with innovation.

  Two, focus on key projects, and strive to create new kinetic energy growth point. In our work, we focus on building high-end Petrochemical new material industry base and millions of vehicle production base.

  Three, stimulate endogenous power, and provide protection for the transformation of new and old kinetic energy. Five strengthens are highlighted in the work: strengthening organizational guarantee, strengthening assessment guarantee, strengthening policy guarantee, strengthening talent guarantee and strengthening service guarantee.

Zibo: highlight four articles of "high tech and light green"

  Yu Haitian, Mayor of Zibo City, deputy of the National People's Congress, said that we will take the construction of a new industrialized city as the goal, do a solid job in the four articles "high, new, light and green", and comprehensively improve the quality of industry and development.

  First, speed up the upgrading of traditional industries. In three years, more than 100 billion yuan has been invested in technological transformation every year, and seven traditional industries, such as chemical industry, traditional machinery, building materials, metallurgy, textiles, light industry and pottery, have been upgraded and rebuilt.

  The two is to speed up the development of kinetic energy to cultivate new Xinghua. Focus on building 10 new industrial demonstration clusters of 20 billion to 50 billion yuan, such as new fluorosilicon materials, new energy vehicles, and so on, to promote the growth of new materials, high-end equipment manufacturing, biomedicine, electronic information, new energy and energy-saving and environmental protection industries.

  The three is to speed up the lightening of industrial structure. Highlight the three major modern service industries: modern logistics, cultural tourism and modern finance, and concentrate on the construction of Qi Cultural Inheritance and Innovation Demonstration Zone. Four, we should speed up the development of ecological greening. In three years, the number of chemical enterprises will be reduced by more than 70%.

Zaozhuang: build up six characteristics and advantageous industries

  Li Feng, Mayor of Zaozhuang City, deputy to the National People's Congress, put forward the goal and requirement of "one year overall development, three years early results, five years breakthroughs, ten years to shape advantages, and gradually form a new pattern of economic development dominated by new momentum", pointing out the way forward for us. Recently, we have made a thorough review of the industry and enterprises in the whole city. We have screened six characteristic and advantageous industries, such as high-end equipment, high-end chemical industry, big data, lithium power, optical fiber, medicine and health, as well as 30 leading enterprises, with precise measures and concerted efforts, so as to speed up the formation of large-scale benefits and brand excellence with the help of spot-by-spot, comprehensive quality improvement. Potential. In this process, the leading role of innovation is particularly highlighted. Strategic cooperation with a large number of famous universities and scientific research institutes, such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhejiang University, North Polytechnic and North Chinese Medicine, will be further promoted. Innovation platforms, such as technology innovation alliance, academician workstation and engineering technology research center, will be brought into play to promote the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements and become new ones. Old kinetic energy conversion provides powerful engines.

Dongying: planning and building high-end petrochemical base

  Zhao Haozhi, Mayor of Dongying City, deputy of the National People's Congress, said that Dongying took the construction of high-end petrochemical base as the No. 1 project for the conversion of new and old kinetic energy, and took the whole city's efforts to promote the construction.

  Do a good job of "one plan". To formulate the plan of Dongying high-end petrochemical industry base, coordinate the three parks of Dongying Port Development Zone, Hekou Blue Industrial Park and Lijin Binhai New Area, and speed up the improvement of the industrial system of "oil head incarnating high tail". Give play to the "four advantages". Port advantage, "13th Five-Year" period to build Dongying port 100 million tons. With the advantages of collection and distribution, Donglu Expressway and Dongying Port Shugang Railway are speeding up construction and will open to traffic in 2020. Industrial advantages, Dongying Port Development Zone oil refining and chemical processing capacity of 15.8 million tons, liquid chemicals one-time storage capacity exceeded 6.5 million square. Raw material advantages, 13 enterprises in the city have obtained 31 million 100 thousand tons of imported crude oil quota. Construction of the "three major projects". Two million tons/year aromatic hydrocarbon projects, 1.2 million tons/year caprolactam projects and 1.2 million tons/year ethylene projects are expected to start construction within this year.

Weifang: focus on key areas and take the lead in development

  Li Kuanduan, Mayor of Weifang City, deputy to the National People's Congress, said: We will make every effort to push forward the major project of transforming new and old kinetic energy. First, emancipate the mind and renew ideas. The two is to focus on reform and opening up. The three is to focus on the development of industrial clusters. We should strengthen industries such as automobiles, agricultural machinery, intelligent equipment, and accelerate the formation of superior industrial clusters. We will vigorously promote the transformation and upgrading of chemical industry's safety production and accelerate the creation of green high-end petrochemical industrial clusters. We will accelerate the development of modern seed industry clusters and 100 billion-level virtual reality, new energy vehicles and biomaterials industry clusters. The four is to focus on the key areas to take the lead in development. Weifang National High-tech Zone, Coastal Development Zone and Comprehensive Bonded Zone are regarded as the main battlefield for the conversion of new and old kinetic energy, and 12 provincial economic development zones are regarded as the important battlefield to create some regional economic growth points with core competitiveness. The five is to focus on the implementation of responsibilities. The transformation of the old and new kinetic energy as the city's "first project", the responsibility of compaction.

Jining: vigorously promoting the transformation and development of Resource-based Cities

  Fu Mingxian, Mayor of Jining City, deputy of the National People's Congress: Implementing the major project of transforming new and old kinetic energy, pointed out the direction path for Jining to accelerate the transformation and development of resource-based cities and realize the comprehensive construction of a well-off society and the comprehensive transformation and revitalization.

  Jining will further improve the overall plan of the old and new energy conversion in Jining, and study and formulate implementation suggestions. In terms of industry positioning, we should actively cultivate and develop new generation of information technology, high-end equipment, new energy materials, energy conservation, environmental protection, health care and other emerging industries, expand new momentum, transform and upgrade traditional industries such as chemical industry, textile and garment, agriculture, cultural tourism, and form new momentum. In the spatial layout, we will accelerate the formation of the overall layout of the new and old energy conversion in the city of "1+5+N". In terms of promotion measures, we should adhere to the engineering approach to promote the transformation of kinetic energy, establish a command and leadership system, implement a special class promotion mechanism at the municipal level, set up a pool of ten industry experts, and compile ten industry special plans.

Tai'an: promoting the construction of scientific and technological innovation system

  Li Xixin, Mayor of Tai'an City, deputy of the National People's Congress: Tai'an will firmly grasp the important engine of scientific and technological innovation, especially to comprehensively promote the construction of scientific and technological innovation system with Taishan Innovation Valley as the core, promote the transformation of more scientific and technological achievements in Tai'an, build a scientific and technological innovation center with brand influence throughout the province and even the whole country, and accelerate the formation of such a center. The economic system and development mode guided by innovation.

  We should firmly grasp the bearing platform of the park, achieve the trinity of production, life and residence, industry, culture and tourism, and realize the overall development of the park construction and urban construction. We will accelerate the implementation of "one county, one district, one district and many gardens", guide all parks in the city to further adjust and optimize their functional orientation and industrial layout, and build strong parks with scale, strength, characteristics and significant pulling effects.

  We should firmly grasp the important hand of attracting investment and project construction, and try to solve the difficulties and problems that restrict the formalities, capital, land and construction environment in project construction.

Weihai: building a three-dimensional policy innovation mechanism

  Zhang Haibo, Mayor of Weihai City, deputy to the National People's Congress, said that in terms of industrial development, Weihai City focused on cultivating seven hundred billion-grade industrial clusters, including new generation information technology, marine organisms and healthy food, new medicine and medical devices, advanced equipment and intelligent manufacturing. In terms of project construction, investment promotion is regarded as the lifeline of economic work, and a number of major projects with strong support and driving force are planned and implemented accurately. In the cultivation of enterprises, we should not only focus on leading enterprises and backbone enterprises, but also on individual champions and invisible champions, so as to provide more fertile soil for the growth of innovative enterprises.

  We should actively build a three-dimensional policy innovation mechanism to create a strong support environment. We will actively carry out administrative reforms such as "Chapter 2", "Major Department System", "Employment System" and "Salary System", promote "Second Start-up" in the development zones, and accelerate the development and construction of key areas such as the East Coastal New Town, Shuangdaowan Science and Technology City and South China Sea New Area. We will vigorously promote the construction of innovative platforms such as the National Regional Innovation Center. We should set up the policy "toolbox" and lay a good combination of policies.

Rizhao: do a good job in the integration and development of the "port city sea"

  Qi Jiabin, Mayor of Rizhao City, deputy to the National People's Congress, said: We will solve the problem of "where to turn" and "how to turn".

  "Where to turn" is to focus on doing well the development of the integration of Hong Kong and the city sea. Specifically, "Hong Kong" is to build a "one port" port hub and a strategic fulcrum for maritime cooperation. "Production" is to speed up the building of advanced steel manufacturing and automotive vehicle and parts industry base, actively cultivate health-oriented happiness industry, aviation equipment, intelligent manufacturing-oriented strategic emerging industries. "City" is to build Rizhao (Shijiuwan) Central Vigorous Area, Lanshan, Juxian, Wulian three sub-centers and several business circles according to the layout of "one district, three centers and multiple circles". "Sea" is to actively explore a new model of "sea-oriented economy" by creating a national marine economic demonstration zone.

  "How to turn around" is to firmly grasp the No. 1 project of "Breaking through the Park and Encouraging Concentration", speed up the creation of "three engines" of innovation, reform and opening up, and form the "1 + 3" dynamic mechanism.

Laiwu: speeding up the construction of high quality development highland in central Shandong Province

  Mei Jianhua, Mayor of Laiwu City, deputy of the National People's Congress, said: We are striving to build new and old kinetic energy conversion and innovation zones in the whole province and accelerate the construction of high-quality development Highlands in central Shandong.

  First, we must vigorously cultivate new kinetic energy. We will expand new industries such as metallurgical materials, clean energy, biomedicine and global tourism, and accelerate the construction of clean energy towns in Germany and China, as well as a demonstration park for ecotourism integrated with snow and wild medicine. Layout of future industries such as aerospace and aviation services, building aviation sports and general aviation industrialization base.

  The two is to vigorously transform old kinetic energy. Reform and upgrade iron and steel production and deep processing, automotive and spare parts industries, and form modern characteristic industrial clusters such as powder metallurgy, water-saving equipment, cables and wires. Promote the development of green steel structure industry, build high-end steel intensive processing industry cluster area and production base of high-quality steel, and build a national steel industry transformation and development demonstration area.

  The three is to bring together new elements. We should strengthen the construction of innovative platforms such as Lu Zhong Academy of Industrial Sciences. Speed up the construction of the high speed rail and highway projects.

  The four is to create new business environment.

Linyi: speeding up the leaping development of old economy

  Zhang Shuping, Mayor of Linyi City, deputy to the National People's Congress, said that Linyi will seize the opportunity and take advantage of the momentum to take the lead in the new round of competition and cooperation. First, the development of new industries. We will speed up the implementation of the "8+8" modern industry cultivation plan, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of eight traditional industries, namely, food, wood, machinery, metallurgy, chemical industry, building materials, medicine and textile and garment industries, and focus on cultivating eight new industries, namely, e-commerce, intelligent logistics, new six agricultural products, cultural creativity, quality tourism, health care, intelligent manufacturing and digital economy. Promote industry. The two is to cultivate new kinetic energy. We should give full play to the advantages of the large scale market and strong power of the Linyi mall, and deeply integrate into the "one belt and one road" construction. Highlighting the promotion of the old commercial city, the breakthrough of the international commercial city, the growth of the online shopping city and the layout of overseas shopping malls. We should continue to deepen the reform of the "discharge tube" and optimize the business environment. The three is to strengthen new support. We should give prominence to the "four constructions" of talents, transportation, ecology and finance. We will accelerate the construction of major transport infrastructure such as Lunan High-speed Railway, Jilailin High-speed Railway and Xintai, Lanlin and Zhanglin High-speed Railway.

Dezhou: integration into Beijing Tianjin Hebei transformation and upgrading of advanced chess

  Chen Fei, mayor of Dezhou, the National People's Congress, insisted on green, open and innovative development. Greater efforts should be made to integrate into the joint development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and the construction of Xiongan New Area, so as to speed up the construction of "one area, four bases". Implementation of capacity planning, "upgrading of traditional industries" plan, "new industries doubled" plan. Focus on developing twelve types of industries in the city (cultivating and strengthening six emerging industries such as smart equipment manufacturing, biotechnology, new energy, new materials, information technology, health care, etc.), transforming and upgrading six traditional industries such as chemical industry, textile and clothing, agriculture, cultural tourism, logistics, finance, etc.), and strive to build a "6+6" modern superior industrial cluster. . Build four platforms. Focus on strengthening the construction of Dezhou Innovation Valley, Yucheng Central Innovation Zone and Haidian High-tech Park in Zhongguancun of Qihe River. Strengthen the construction of specialized chemical industrial park. Construction of various characteristic parks. To enhance the carrying capacity of the economic development zones above the provincial level.

Liaocheng: creating characteristic industries and forming competitive advantages

  Song Junji, Mayor of Liaocheng City, deputy to the National People's Congress, said that after the convening of the mobilization Conference for the major projects of new and old kinetic energy conversion in Shandong Province, we took immediate action and formulated the Master Plan for the major projects of new and old kinetic energy conversion in Liaocheng City (draft for comments). The formation of the city's major project repository has been warehousing more than 100 key projects.

  In the next step, we will grasp three principles: first, to highlight the core leading role of scientific and technological innovation, with new technologies, new industries, new formats and new modes as the core, and strive to stimulate the vitality of new elements such as talents, technology, data, information and knowledge, so as to achieve effective agglomeration and multiplier; second, to maximize the prominence of characteristics; We should focus on building new materials, biomedicine, new energy vehicles and other special industries, promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries with certain advantages, and win greater competitiveness in misplaced development and highlighting characteristics. Third, we should give full play to the dominant position of enterprises and closely combine stimulating the vitality of enterprises with accelerating the reform of "release control clothing".

Binzhou: building five hundred billion industrial clusters

  Cui Honggang, Mayor of Binzhou City, deputy of the National People's Congress: For Binzhou, accelerating the transformation of new and old kinetic energy, high-end aluminum, new chemical industry, grain processing, home textile, animal husbandry and aquatic products and other 500 billion-level industrial clusters are the focus, characteristics, advantages and potential. For example, the high-end aluminium industry should continue to enlarge the development mode of integration of aluminium and electricity, upstream and downstream in order to push the industry forward to high-end development under the situation of resolute capping of production capacity.

  For the five emerging industries in the provincial planning, we must grasp the planning, start and implement. A new generation of information technology industry, Beijing East Yellow River Delta Cloud Computing Big Data Industry Base Phase I part of the main body completed; Huawei Big Data Center Industrial Park accelerated construction, has achieved seven projects online operation. China Aviation Industry and Wei Qiao group cooperated to research and develop high-end aluminum alloy forgings, and began to enter aviation and other fields.

  We should focus on upgrading and upgrading traditional industries. Weiqiao, Jingbo, Binhua and other large enterprises take the lead in the traditional fields of textile, metallurgy, chemical industry and so on.

Heze: grasp four tasks to promote the transformation of new and old energy

  Xie Weijun, Mayor of Heze City, deputy of the National People's Congress, said that around accelerating the transformation of new and old kinetic energy, we have made full use of the advantages of human resources, agricultural cities, mineral resources and backward development, and highlighted four aspects of work. First, the implementation of a number of new and old energy conversion key projects. More than 1100 projects were planned and demonstrated, with a total investment of 980 billion yuan, of which 60 entered the provincial project repository. The two is to develop e-commerce. Up to now, Taobao Village and Taobao Town in the city accounted for 1/12 and 1/10 of the whole country respectively, accounting for 2/3 of the whole province, ranking first in all prefecture-level cities in the country, and "1688 Heze Industrial Belt" running first in the province as a whole. Next step, we will actively promote the transformation of e-commerce industry from "one step ahead" to "one-size-fits-all" in order to speed up the modernization of the economy under the guidance of information technology. Three, we should vigorously promote the return home business. Next, we will strive to transform more than 50,000 people who go out every year into "urban returnees" and promote employment of more than 150,000 people. Four, we should accelerate the development of modern agriculture. We will focus on the structural reform of agricultural supply side and build a strong industrial foundation for Rural Revitalization with new breakthroughs in modern agricultural development.

【Focus】Shandong mayor of 17 cities talk about kinetic energy conversion!