
[headlines] attention! Shandong's production safety inspection starts, and 8 cities will be inspected before the end of May.

[headlines] attention! Shandong's production safety inspection starts, and 8 cities will be inspected before the end of May.

[headlines] attention! Shandong's production safety inspection starts, and 8 cities will be inspected before the end of May.

  According to the regulations of Shandong Province Safety Production Inspection Work System and the requirements of Shandong Province Government, the Shandong Provincial Government Security Committee organized four safety production inspection teams to inspect Jinan, Qingdao, Yantai and Jining municipalities in March and Zibo, Dongying, Taian and Linyi municipalities in May respectively.

Notice of the Shandong Provincial People's government's work safety committee on the work related to safety inspections

  People's Governments of Jinan, Qingdao, Zibo, Dongying, Yantai, Jining, Taian and Linyi:

  In accordance with the provisions of "Shandong Province Safety Production Inspection Work System" and the requirements of the provincial government, the provincial government security committee organized four safety production inspection teams to inspect the safety production of Jinan, Qingdao, Yantai and Jining municipalities in March and Zibo, Dongying, Taian and Linyi municipalities in May respectively. The following matters are hereby notified as follows:

  First, conscientiously carry out self-examination. Municipalities should conscientiously study the "Implementation Plan of Safety Production Inspection in Shandong Province in 2018" and "List of Key Items of Safety Production Inspection in Shandong Province" (municipal level, County level, Township level, Department level, enterprise level), and conscientiously carry out self-inspection and self-correction in light of the actual situation in the region.

  Two, do a good job of patrol preparation. Please clarify that a city leader is in charge of the inspection work, implement the specific contact units and liaison officers, contact the inspection team in time, determine the specific arrangements for the inspection team to be stationed, prepare archives in advance, and cooperate with the relevant work.

  Three, strengthen job security. It is necessary to provide the inspection teams with the necessary working and living conditions to ensure smooth and efficient inspections. During the inspection period, the inspection team should open regular on-duty telephone, receive short message mobile phone, e-mail, and publish contact information in the main local news media. Please help to do the relevant work.

Implementation plan of inspection work for safety production in Shandong Province in 2018

  In accordance with the "Shandong Province Safety Production Inspection Work System", considering comprehensively that the Security Committee of the State Council will conduct another inspection of Shandong Province in the second half of this year, and at the same time urging the implementation of safety production measures during the SCO Summit in Qingdao, the provincial government security committee plans to organize security for some municipal governments in March and May this year. The whole production inspection tour completed the first round of inspections. In order to ensure the smooth development of the inspection work and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of the inspection work, this implementation plan is specially formulated.

One, objectives and tasks

  We will conscientiously implement the Nineteenth National Congress of the CPC, the Implementation Opinions of the Shandong Provincial People's Government of the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee on Further Promoting Reform and Development in the Field of Safety Production and the spirit of the important instructions and instructions on safety production. We urge all municipalities to implement the important decisions and arrangements of the state and provincial and provincial governments on production safety. Find out the weak links in the work of safety in production, summarize and popularize the advanced work experience, promote the implementation of various measures of safety in production to the grass-roots level, to the enterprises, and promote the overall level of safety in production in the province.

Two, inspection and inspection organization object

  (1) patrol the target. In March 2018, we visited Jinan, Qingdao, Yantai and Jining. In May, we visited Zibo, Dongying, Taian and Linyi.Patrol work covers all counties (cities and districts), extends patrol to some townships, and spot checks to some enterprises and units.

  (2) patrol organization. Provincial Security Committee organized 4 inspection teams, will be invited to the Provincial Department of land resources, the provincial water resources department, the Provincial Marine Fisheries Department, the provincial safety supervision bureau responsible comrades were led. Each patrol group (no more than 10 people in Ji'nan, Qingdao inspection can be controlled in less than 12 people), including 1 team leader, led by the Department as the leading cadres; deputy head of the 1, by serving as a positive level cadres, composed of relevant departments to deploy staff members of the provincial authorities. According to the needs of the work, a number of experts were selected.

  (3) inspection time. The inspection time for cities is 1 months in principle. If major safety production problems exist, they may be appropriately prolonged, and when necessary, they may carry out inspection "looking back", and the relevant work arrangements shall be submitted for approval separately according to the procedures.

Three, inspection content

  Implementation of work safety measures since 2016:

  1. Strengthen political consciousness and responsibility consciousness, and conscientiously implement the important decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, the State Council, provincial Party committees and provincial governments on work safety;

  2. Carefully implement the requirements of "Party and government responsibility, one post and two responsibilities, joint management, dereliction of duty and recovery of responsibility", improve and improve the responsibility system for safe production, and strictly investigate the situation of responsibility;

  3. Effectively fulfill the responsibility of government territorial safety supervision, and strengthen the implementation of safety production measures and work security;

  4. Implementing the "Opinions of the Shandong Provincial People's Government of the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee on Implementing in-depth Reform and Development in the Field of Safety Production";

  5. Implementing the "Opinions on Promoting Urban Safety Development" of the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council;

  6. Implement laws, regulations and standards related to safety in production, promote legal governance, and conduct in-depth law enforcement and inspection of safety in production;

  7. The Central Committee of the Party, the State Council and provincial committees, provincial governments and provincial government security committees pay great attention to the outstanding security problems with strong public reflection and great social impact and their handling.

  8. implementation of work safety deployment during the SCO Qingdao summit.

  9., we should promote the construction of double prevention mechanisms for risk classification control and hidden trouble investigation and treatment.

  10., the provincial Party committee, the provincial government and the provincial government's safety committee deployed other safety production priorities.

Four. Inspection and Implementation

  In accordance with the Work Flow of Safety Production Inspection, we should do well in organizational preparation, stationed implementation, inspection report, inspection feedback, problem handling, rectification and implementation, and application of results, so as to effectively improve the standardization, institutionalization and scientific level of inspection work.

  In cities inspected this year, the repetitive parts of the inspection contents and the annual assessment rules will not be repeated at the end of the year, and the results determined by the inspection shall prevail.

Five. Work system

  (one) the inspection report system. The inspection teams should report to the provincial government's safety committee in time for major problems found in inspections. After the completion of the inspection work, a report on the inspection work will be formed within 15 working days, which will be submitted to the provincial government security committee after being examined and approved by the team leader. The inspection results are copied to the Organizational Department of the provincial Party committee, the provincial comprehensive management office and the provincial civilized office, and the rectification of the problems found in the inspection is included in the annual safety production assessment.

  (two) feedback system. The inspection team draws up a rectification notice based on the inspection report. After approval by the provincial government security committee, the head of the inspection team gives feedback to the principal person in charge of the people's government of the city under inspection and relevant members of the team. The relevant departments of the municipal government and the comrades in charge of the counties (cities and districts) may attend the feedback meeting, point out the problems and propose rectification. Opinions, and issued a notice of rectification.

  (three) list of problems and rectification report system. The inspection team shall establish a list of problems found in the inspection. With the consent of the group leader, the inspection team shall give timely feedback to the local government before leaving the station. For the problems existing in the government and departments, the inspection team shall also give feedback to the municipal government being inspected at the same time. The inspected city will report the implementation of the rectification in writing to the provincial government security committee within 2 months, and the follow-up situation will be reported regularly until the rectification is completed. The office of the provincial government's security committee carries out follow-up supervision.

  (four) notification system. The inspection team shall timely report to the office of the provincial government security committee the inspection trends and progress, identify outstanding problems, major hidden dangers and grassroots experience and practices, etc. The office of the provincial government's Security Committee completes the summary of the situation and information exchange, and promptly notified the municipalities and departments concerned.

  (five) public opinion propaganda system. Before conducting the inspection, the provincial mainstream media should publish the requirements of the inspection area and inspection, and publish the inspection results in time after the completion of the inspection. When the inspection teams work in cities, they announce the key points and timing of the inspection in the local mainstream media, publicly report and receive telephone calls, and publicize their feedback to the community through the local mainstream media. The typical illegal activities and major hidden dangers found in inspections are exposed.

  (six) the system of asking for leave. During the period of inspection, the inspectors should, in principle, decouple from the work of the original units, concentrate on doing a good job of inspection, and shall not leave the cities where they are stationed without reason. If it is really necessary to leave the resident city due to special circumstances, the group leader shall be asked for leave and submitted to the office of the provincial government security committee for approval; and the group leader shall be submitted to the deputy director of the provincial government security committee (the deputy governor in charge of work safety) for approval.

Six. Related requirements

  (1) strengthening organization and coordination. The Office of the provincial government security committee is responsible for the routine work of inspection. It establishes an inspection office, allocates staff to work centrally, perfects the working mechanism of regular meetings, information exchange, dispatching statistics, tracking supervision and performance evaluation, strengthens organizational management and coordination services, and ensures the orderly and efficient development of inspection work.

  (2) strengthen job security. The funds for inspection work shall be budgeted separately by the office of the provincial government's Security Committee and shall be included in the provincial special funds for production safety. The on-the-job patrol personnel will reimburse their travel agencies in accordance with the current financial regulations. Retirees and hired experts pay work subsidies in accordance with relevant regulations. The inspected areas should actively cooperate with the security work, provide relevant materials in time according to the requirements of the inspection team, and reflect the situation truthfully.

  (3) strict work discipline. Team leaders shall be responsible for the work, strict working discipline and confidentiality regulations, and report truthfully the inspection work. No concealment, distortion or fabrication of facts shall be allowed. Participants shall strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations of the State, strictly abide by the spirit of the implementation rules of the Eight Provincial Committees and the implementation measures of the Central Committee, and shall not make use of the inspection work to facilitate the pursuit of private interests; without authorization, they shall not unauthorized express their opinions and accept media interviews privately, and publish relevant information on the inspection work to the outside world.


[headlines] attention! Shandong's production safety inspection starts, and 8 cities will be inspected before the end of May.

[headlines] attention! Shandong's production safety inspection starts, and 8 cities will be inspected before the end of May.

[headlines] attention! Shandong's production safety inspection starts, and 8 cities will be inspected before the end of May.