
Shandong province market supervision and Management Bureau issued "on the development of the private economy to support high quality 12 measures"

Shandong province market supervision and Management Bureau issued

In order to carry out the FA 2018 No. 26 Lu "several opinions on" support the private economy development of high quality, market regulatory functions, support private economic development of Shandong province high quality, market supervision and Management Bureau issued "on the support of the private economy high quality development of the twelve measures".

1. optimization business start-up process.Further compression of start-up time, ensure that the 3 working days to complete the business license management, seal engraving, bank accounts, tax management, social security registration. The paper business license express service.Perfect the entire electronic registration mode, expand the scope of use of electronic business license, apply for improving online registration rate.Improve enterprise registration business restructuring processing speed, different levels, regional registration authorities to strengthen business convergence, support enterprises at the same time, the establishment of the cancellation or alteration of registration.

Have electronic business license electronic link logo, smart card and mobile phone version of the three types of electronic business license issuing ability

Have electronic business license electronic link logo, smart card and mobile phone version of the three types of electronic business license issuing ability

2. continue to streamline the implementation of the State Council related licenses. The first batch of "license of separation" reform matters, on 2 direct cancel the approval, from the "double notification" directory; 104 optimal access service of approval to the record, the implementation of this commitment, the sharing of the legal representative and shareholder identity certificates, certificate of business premises and other information with the examination and approval departments, streamline the application materials, approval time compression.

3. simplified approval procedures. 17 industrial products of the provincial implementation of the production permit approval, all commissioned municipal approval. Cancel the industrial products production license before the inspection, product inspection reports submitted by the enterprise. In addition to dangerous chemicals, the implementation of commitments after certification, certification on-site verification. The implementation does not meet the approval, the implementation of the online handle license, express.

4. improve the drug product innovation of medical equipment and major project review and approval efficiency.To expand the scope of change of series parallel approval, the pharmaceutical business (wholesale) license and drug GSP certification into parallel approval. The drug GMP certification matters Yung lack of acceptance, through on-site inspection and comprehensive evaluation, advance publicity, obtaining drug approval after approval. On the development of pharmaceutical production enterprises in our province with the variety of the top 3 through the generics quality consistency evaluation and effect of varieties, given 2 million yuan premium. To do a major project innovation, advance guidance services, making one policy helping measures, early intervention, precise guidance and approval according to law, accelerate key project landing.

5. Small and micro businesses to promote the implementation of governance structure and industrial structure "or" strategy "or" strategy.The implementation of various tasks, to ensure that the overall objectives and tasks completed in 2019 85%. Formulated a transfer rate guidance work, to guide support 10 2020 tens of thousands of individual businesses to upgrade to Small and micro businesses. The organization and coordination of joint meeting of members of the unit to carry out a transfer rate of Small and micro businesses, private enterprises above Designated Size and training work, the Provincial Bureau held 20 2019 2000 new upgrade Small and micro businesses training class.

6. promote the quality of enterprise brand development held in 2019.The brand strategy and the theme of the campaign tour on the Madrid international trademark registration, trademark guide private enterprises to promote investment, transfer of trademarks, trademark licensing, market operation, improve the management level of the use of trademarks. The method of organization and brand of advanced quality management training to enhance the training of 1000 private enterprises, 100 private enterprises helping import performance excellence, striving to cultivate China quality award, governor quality award. Carry out the "Taishan quality" high-end specialty certification, certification organization of instructors "activities, carry out the certification and testing free counseling for private enterprises. Relying on the Ji'nan trademark examination cooperation center, convenient for private enterprises to apply for trademark registration application business.

7. guide enterprises to establish industry-leading standards.And the standardization work related funds to support private enterprises to participate in the formulation and revision of international standards, leading the national, industry and local; to support private enterprises to participate in all levels of organization for Standardization Technical committee. Continue to implement the enterprise standard "leader" system, to support private enterprises will be advanced technology into the standard, the formulation and implementation of standards of the industry leading enterprises, improve product quality level and core competitiveness. The reserved transition period for private enterprises to implement local environmental standards, mandatory standards issued not less than 6 months and the implementation. The organization Institute of metrology measurement laboratory open to private enterprises, the compulsory certification of measuring instruments for free verification.

8. support the development of intellectual property pledge financing.The intellectual property pledge financing funds to support the project funded by Small and micro businesses to expand the range of small and micro enterprises, the annual interest maximum amount increased from 200 thousand yuan to 500 thousand yuan. The patent right political bancassurance financing pilot form of loans to small and micro enterprises, according to the company to pay the premium rate of 60%, the annual premium subsidies given the highest 60 thousand yuan, up subsidies for 2 years.Improve the intellectual property pledge financing risk compensation measures of bank loans have loss of the principal amount, approved 40% in proportion to the risk compensation in accordance with the single no more than 2 million yuan.

9. damage to corporate rights of unfair competition and monopoly. To carry out the rectification of outstanding issues of fair competition market, to infringe the legitimate rights and interests of private enterprises acts as the focus, to crack down on market confusion, commercial bribery, false propaganda, infringement of commercial secrets, commercial abuse and other acts of unfair competition. According to the authorization and administrative monopoly cases, strengthen law enforcement of anti monopoly goods and services, public exposure of typical cases.The implementation of related policies of fair competition review, focus on cleaning up in market access, industrial development and other exclusion restrictions of private enterprises fair competition and policy, the completion of cleaning tasks and publicity to the community before the end of 2018; on the new policy making enterprises fair competition review, ensure market access of private enterprises equal rights, equal opportunities and equal rules.

10. remediation illegal charges related enterprises. Enterprises involved in administrative organizations and government pricing management and service charges, seriously dealt with the non implementation of cancellation, suspension, fee waiver policy, not according to the provisions of publicity, as well as industry associations and chambers of Commerce, e-government platform by administrative power mandatory fees and other acts of violation charges. Inspection fees for commercial banks, focus on examination of commercial banks in the lending process sub floating interest charges, loan fee, compulsory service, transfer cost and other acts of violation charges, reduce the cost of financing of private enterprises.Strengthen the logistics field supervision fees, mainly regulate the fees of railway and highway, port and other fields of operators, reduce logistics costs of private enterprises. Standardize the administrative examination and approval intermediary service fees, focus on non enterprise legal costs on basis of setting up the administrative examination and approval pre service charges, government departments should take, intermediary service agencies use administrative power to force service, mandatory fees and other acts of violation charges.

11. avoid long repeated inspection. The full implementation of the "double random, a public supervision in the field of market supervision and inspection results of all public; completed before the end of 2019 the market supervision department", a double random open "supervision of the whole process integration, reduce the burden of the private enterprises. To promote the province's market supervision departments across the field of random joint inspection, to achieve a comprehensive physical examination examination ". The effective application of the national enterprise credit information publicity system (Shandong) data resources, promote the implementation of the credit classification management, to reduce the sampling frequency of good credit market.

12. maintain a good market order.Organized the 2019 network special action against Internet infringement and counterfeiting, the field of brush single fried letter, the false propaganda behavior. To increase the production and circulation of product quality sampling efforts and scale, and the quality of illegal behavior. To strengthen regional cooperation, the establishment of counterfeit product source information query system, counterfeit and shoddy goods behavior. To carry out the special action to combat infringement of trademark rights, focus on well-known trademarks, geographical indications, foreign trademarks, registered trademarks and other time-honored violations. The establishment of intellectual property rights of private enterprises to carry out quick access rights, patent law enforcement "thunder" special action. Give full play to the national enterprise intellectual property (patent) credit system in the field of action, in our province, not repeat infringement enforcement according to law and conduct joint disciplinary.